Cascadia Wildlife Blog
News from the Wolverine Tracking Project and more
Wildlife Camera FindingsA marten spent some time at Glade immediately after set-up. We have seen a lot of bobcats on multiple cameras lately. This is unsurprising, considering the countless squirrel and hare photos we receive each week! This individual at Yellowjacket East hung around for a while, leaving the camera and returning only a half hour later. The last shot of the bobcat leaving the area shows great detail of its tail and hind feet! McCubbins #2 was also visited by a bobcat multiple times. Deer and coyote at McCubbins #2 (not to mention all the squirrels!) And finally, again at McCubbins #2... That's a first! While it's true that the camera is near a water source, this is the first time we have ever seen a RIVER OTTER on our cameras before! Here are the full photos for scale: As you can see, this otter was out and about at nine in the morning, which corresponds with their likelihood to be more active during the day in the winter (and more active at night in the summer.) Although otters spend the majority of their time in the water, they will travel considerable distances when relocating from one body of water to another. We are thrilled to have added another species to our list of animals! Every week we learn more about Mt. Hood wildlife. Also, don't forget to check out GoogleDocs to see all of the full sets from each camera.
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May 2024
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