Cascadia Wild Board of Directors
Teri Lysak, Chairperson
Teri has been leading Cascadia Wild's Wolverine Tracking Project since 2007 and teaches classes in animal tracking, wild plant foraging, and wilderness survival. She loves being able to help people understand and connect with the natural world. Prior, she spent her working days outdoors as a forester, doing forest surveying, firefighting, young timber stand management, and providing forestry assistance to small private landowners, working across the West for the Forest Service and for Washington Dept of Natural Resources. Her prior teaching experience comes from two years as a high school science teacher with the Peace Corps in Fiji. Teri holds a MS in Forest Science from OSU and a BA in biology from Grinnell College. When not working or out exploring the forest for tracks, she spends her time working on her tiny house and gardening. |
Paul Schertz, Secretary
Paul Schertz has been tracking with Cascadia Wild for many years and has served as a tracking leader for the Wolverine Tracking Project since 2006. Paul is a retired engineer and has served on several boards including the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association and was the founding President of the Texas Solar Energy Industries Association. He is the past vice-president of Solar Kinetics, Inc. |
Jennifer Doob, Treasurer
Jennifer's bio coming soon!
Jonathan Seabright, Board Member
Jonathan Seabright joined the Cascadia Wild board of directors in 2022. He is a Specialist in Private Sector Engagement at World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the world's leading conservation organization, where he helps work with some of the planet's most influential companies on reducing their impact on nature and supporting WWF's mission. He has a Bachelors of Arts in Philosophy from Hamilton College. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, Jonathan cares deeply about providing opportunities for the local community to connect with the wildlife and ecosystems of the Cascades. While he now lives in Washington, DC, he tries to spend as much time as possible in the backcountry when visiting home. |
J.R. Rinaldi, Board Member
J.R. has volunteered with Cascadia Wild for nearly a decade. He is very active with the Camera Crews and assists with training new volunteers. He also joins the occasional track survey. A graduate of Cascadia Wild's Naturalist Training Program, J.R. enjoys learning about the natural world and seeks to expand his knowledge through various outdoor courses. Professionally, J.R. is an electrical engineer specializing in hydro power. |
Whitney Bailey, Board Member
Whitney has been taking classes and volunteering with Cascadia Wild since 2022. She is an avid hiker, backpacker, and naturalist, fascinated by the stories the landscape tells and the interconnected relationships of the natural world. Since 2017 she has been the Senior Urban Conservationist with the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District. Prior to moving to the Pacific Northwest she worked for the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Forest Service. When not in the woods or working, she enjoys noodling around with a variety of creative hobbies, planning her next adventure, and spoiling her cats. |