Cascadia Wildlife Blog
News from the Wolverine Tracking Project and more
Trevor and I headed to the Old Maid Flats area for this weekend's Wolverine Tracking Project trip. It was quite soggy and rainy so we didn't find any prints aside from barely visible deer tracks on some sandy areas near the Zig Zag. The Zig Zag was quite powerful and swift moving that day and we concluded that there would not be much animal activity due to that fact, so we headed into the forest near the flats to see what other animal signs we could find. In the forest we found parts of a deer scattered about which was evidence that carnivores had been in the area. We also found some interesting bird's nests. One was on the forest floor and had fallen from a nearby tree and the other we found hidden in the gnarled roots of a giant uprooted tree. In the water surrounding the uprooted tree we discovered several sets of fish bones as well as scat that indicated presence of River otters in the area. We also found evidence of squirrels; pine cone feeding sites and bark stripping. Even though we did not find anything much in the way of animal tracks due to the rainy conditions, we did find indications of carnivore and prey species and their activities in the forest, which still provide important data and information for us about the area and its inhabitants. Below is a gallery of pictures of our adventures and findings for our outing at Old Maid Flats. Please take a look and enjoy! Happy tracking everyone! I hope you are all enjoying yourselves and having fun expanding your knowledge about our forests and the natural world.
-Leah Rivendell
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